Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A Few of My Favorite Things…

  • How Kian nestles right up to me after Jamie finishes his bedtime story and hands him over to me for the final stage of his bedtime routine
  • Kian rubing his eyes with his blanket that has become his “lovey” – I used to swaddle him in them
  • Kian’s kisses and cuddles (the kisses he is stingy with!)
  • Kian laughing so hard at Toby that he falls over! (especially if Daddy is playing with Toby)
  • NAPTIME! hehe
  • Frosties from Wendy’s!
  • A shower on the weekend when I can take my time and know that Kian is safe having Daddy time.
  • How shy Kian gets when people talk to him when we are out and about – he smiles and then hides his head on my shoulder
  • Playing peek-a-boo through his “house” door
  • Kian’s cute little laugh that makes his whole body shake
  • Curling up in bed with Jamie at night and just talking about the days events

Granna and Papaw Hedrick, Kian sick again, and other things….

Sorry it has been so long since my last update. After I updated my blog the last time, Jamie’s Mom and Stepdad were here visiting for a week and a half. We had a wonderful visit with them. They arrived on Kian’s birthday and were able to celebrate with us :) It was very nice to have them there :) Kian and I didn’t really do much with them outside the house that week. Kian was just getting over a cold and I wanted to make sure he didn’t skip any naps. So Jane and Russell did touristy things on their own mostly while Kian napped. We did all get to go to the Winchester House in San Jose. Kian did great despite starting to get sick again.

After they left Kian’s cold got worse and I had to take him to the doctor. Kian started to wheeze toward the end of my in-laws trip and I was getting concerned.

We met Kian’s Pediatrician for the first time last week. He is very knowledgeable and explained things to me that was happening with Kian’s breathing in a way I could understand. He also gave me things to look for with Kian getting worse. He gave me a prescription for Albuterol to use with Kian’s nebulizer two times a day (morning and before bed). Basically the medicine is put in a machine and it blows a “mist” into Kian’s face and he breathes in until it’s gone. It’s not fun because it takes a while and Kian wants to play with it. Thank God that I TiVoed Sesame Street a few days in a row because he loves to watch the puppets and colors. Having him watch it makes the treatments a lot easier on us both.

The Dr. told us that if the he continues to wheeze with every cold he’s had he might have asthma (wonderful!). I have exercise induces asthma as well as my sister and my mom’s cousin has it really bad….so hopefully he doesn’t have it at all. It sure is scary when you aren’t sure what’s happening with your child’s airway and breathing.

Good news (so far anyway) is that Kian woke up this morning without any wheezing! I didn’t give him a treatment this morning but hopefully he will be good to go for the rest of the day :) So, almost a week of treatments and he’s doing better. I am hoping that both me and Jamie can have a full night’s sleep tonight – we have been up a lot with Kian after he goes to bed at night. I am also hoping that Kian is well enough on Friday to have his immunizations so he doesn’t get too far off track with them.

Other Visitors

On Sunday our friends Steve and Lisa came to visit. They live in Seattle now and were here to visit Lisa’s family in San Jose (it’s about 15 mins from here). We were so glad we were able to see them. Jamie and I were talking that it was amazing how we just felt like they had never left when we haven’t seen them for about 3 months! The last time they saw Kian he was crawling backwards so he got to show them some new tricks :) We sure miss having them near us but we are very glad that they try to see us when they are in town.

Moving Update

Yes, we are still unpacking….seems like it will take FOREVER! It’s amazing how little I can do during the day with a 12 month old at my heels. Overnight he as seemed to become a toddler – demanding more of my attention and thinking that he can touch and do everything he wants…if you tell him no he has a tantrum. I guess this is great prep for the terrible two’s – I sure hope they aren’t too bad though because sometimes I want to yank all my hair out LOL

Well, the little man is up from a nap so I better sign off….I will try to write more later.

(I have returned to add more now that Kian is in bed)

Waving and signing!

Kian has started waving recently! It has taken him a while to catch on. On Saturday Gina from Mom’s Group in SLO was in town with her daughter Danielle and she waved at Kian and I think he thought…’hey I can do that too’ and waved back at her for the first time! He has waved a few other times to cashiers in stores, but not too often. I am just glad he finally caught on!

Also, recently I discovered that Kian has been doing the sign for “finished.” I have been doing this sign with him since he started to eat solids and just now I realized he was signing it to me! The sign is putting your hands up and then moving them at the wrist in a circular motion (I hope I am describing them right! lol) I usually can only do it with one hand because I have something in the other and Kian does it with one hand too!

Today he also gave me a kiss after I asked for one. We were playing and he wanted to cuddle a little and I asked him, “Can I have a kiss?” And he did! Kian’s kisses pretty slobbery but they are cherished :) He basically just opens his mouth and puts it on yours. He doesn’t do it very often but he gave me several kisses this afternoon and gave Jamie some too after he asked for them! I guess he was just being a lovey guy!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

My Second Mother's Day and other odds and ends...

Since Mother’s Day is the same day as Kian’s birthday, Jamie decided to give me my gifts tonight and celebrate a little today. He got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a card that had a gift certificate in it for a one hour massage! I can’t wait to use it!

Thinking back to about last Mother’s Day, I was knocking on the door to heaven….I am so glad that I am here to celebrate another one.


Will it ever end! lol Well, I have my kitchen unpacked finally but we still have boxes covering the other half of our two car garage! We are working on it slowly but surely. It will be nice once it’s all done and we can finally feel like this is home. Unpacking takes a long time when you have a one year old at your feet!

Our First Visitors

Our first visitors to our place were Peter and Priscilla Rynning. They live in SLO and Priscilla’s parents live about a mile away from us and they were going to visit for Mother’s Day. It was so nice to see them :)

We will also have some other visitors coming tomorrow afternoon. Jamie’s Mom and Step-dad (Jane and Russell) will be here until next Tuesday visiting and seeing California some. Unfortunately Kian’s not at an age where he can do much site seeing he would be skipping naps and he’s still getting over his cold so that’s not an option. We will be able to do some site seeing close to home though – the Winchester mansion is in San Jose and it’s not that far of a drive for us.

Kian’s Birthday

We have got several cards in the mail and gifts as well. I have decorated with the things I bought a while ago – I have a table cloth, plates, napkins, #1 candle and hats for us all toe wear. I also put up the card holder and sign that my Aunt Lori had specially made for Kian that says “Happy Birthday Kian.” I will take photos of it all and hopefully we can get it all loaded up soon.

Also, Safeway (a grocery store here) gives free cakes on your baby’s first birthday so we have a beautiful cake decorated for Kian and waiting for us all to dig into tomorrow. I have a feeling that even though Kian’s not eating whole foods real well yet that he will be eating that cake! Hehe


Ok, it's mainly big for me....I didn't want to tell anyone about it until he was doing it for more than a week...Kian goes to sleep without any rocking from me (also unswaddled)! In fact he wants me to do limited rocking with him! I used to have to rock him for about a half hour before every nap and before bed. Now I just do our routine and then lay him down and he's off to sleep! At least now I can enjoy the rocking and cuddling we get in before I lay him down...before it was a chore now I look forward to those snuggles. :)

Reminiscing about Kian’s birth…

Well, about now I was in labor and had contractions for over 24 hours...it was contractions every hour but it didn't start getting closer until later on at night...we went to the hospital at 4AM and at about 8PM I was taken in for an emergency c-section. Kian was born at 8:58PM on May 8th :) I remember feeling the C-Section so I was in pain but when I heard him cry that pain lessened by about 80%...no joke! I remember feeling my heart jump with love as I heard his first cries.

Even though the birth experience was not at all what I wanted, I got my little man :) Here's a photo of me and Kian meeting for the first time:

I cannot believe that a year has gone by already! It seems like yesterday I had a big belly and was having a hard time getting shoes on my feet!

This year has been very eventful...mostly not in a good way
with all of Kian's health issues and the colic that he had during the first 4 months of life. I was just looking at some old photos on my computer and saw this one:

Yeah, you can guess that the only one having a fit is my little guy...I think he was about 3 months old at that time. At least now we mainly see smiles on Kian's face. He sure turned out to be mostly a happy baby :) If you would have told me that back at the time that this photo was taken, I would have thought you were CRAZY! hehe

Though all the rough times we have had this year, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am so proud of my little man. It's bitter-sweet to watch them grow up...you want them to grow and be their own person and have freedom but at the same time I want to seal up the moments I have rocking Kian and things in a time capsule to open when he's 18 and graduating from high school. Right now I am going to enjoy every cuddle, hug, and kiss that I can.

What a precious gift God has given me. Happy birthday, little man :) I love you so much!
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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Kian and I are sick :(

Well, Thursday Kian started to show signs that he was getting a cold....my meeting with Ann was called off as I don't want little Trevan to get sick (with how young he is he can't have any meds at all). Well, Friday I started to feel really sick too. Kian and I have been battling this nasty cold and stuffy nose for a while now....I'm run down and he's whinny which makes it very difficult to get through the day....not to mention do the unpacking that needs to get done! Our house is still in shambles.

We would appreciate your prayers!