Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A New Ped in the Works and Some Fun News on Kian :)

New Pediatrician in the Works

Since we moved to the area, Kian has seen the doctor a total of 5 times. The first time was to really introduce us to the doctor and get a feel for what the practice was like. I liked how they were fast in getting us in to see the doctor and they definitely have kid friendly things in their office.

The problem is that all 5 times we have been to the doctor in the last 9 months we have seen a different doctor EVERY time. Kian even had to have his Epi Pen (for his nut allergy since it's so severe) represcribed to him because his expired. The doctor that prescribed it was yet ANOTHER doctor there and didn't get the prescription right! He should have two Epi Pens and not one which is in his files if anyone cared to look. I brought all of Kian's records with me from the time of his birth up to current time and yet no one has cared to enter them and I even had one of the 6 doctors that have touched his files tell me that I didn't have them!

Yesterday i left a note to talk to his Ped about an issue the receptionist felt could be solved by phone instead of appointment. The Ped didn't seem to like all the questions I was asking, sounded like I was wasting her time and was just trying to get me off the phone. She also was rude with some of her answers when really her answer didn't have to include all the disrespectful talk so flung at me. Needless to say this interaction with her and having what seems no real doctor for Kian has really made me feel like this is not the place for us.

I am going to try to ask some of the mom's in Kian's class about their Peds and kind of go from there. I am so glad that I have originals of all of Kian's records form the time of birth through right before we left Sunnyvale. Make life a lot easier :)

If I could find a clone of Dr. Bravo (Kian's first Ped who was AMAZING!) all these issues would be solved! Man, do I miss Dr. Bravo, his patience, his caring and his love for the kids he works with.

Fun Stuff!

This morning I took Kian to class. In his class we sing songs that have hand signs, dance to music with movements, listen to a story, and have free play. There is one song that we sign talking about building a house and it has hand movements. We have done it maybe 4 times in classes that Kian has been to.

Today after we got back from class, Kian was singing and I couldn't figure out what he was saying until he got to a certain part and I realized he was signing the build a house song and doing the movements all on his own. Throughout the day he has broken into this song (including the higher notes that they sing at one point!) at the house playing, at the grocery store (and you know I joined in - we sang and shopped at the same time! lol) and eating dinner. I am so surprised how much he has retained from class and I am so happy that he enjoys it so much.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Jamie and Sarah - 5 Years!!! (and sick again...)

Five Wonderful Years!!!

Jamie and I celebrated our 5th Wedding anniversary on Friday! I can’t believe how fast the time went! If feels like just yesterday we were all in Wisconsin with our family and close friends having one of the best parties I’ve ever attended :) We are looking forward to many more wonderful years together :)


Yep, Jamie’s now sick with what seems like could be the flu. I just finished my antibiotic and Kian seemed to be over his illness until yesterday. He’s had a stuffy nose and has been waking up crying :( I’m hoping that his flu shot holds up for him as having the flu as an asthmatic is not a good thing.

I cannot wait for spring to arrive so we have more time between illnesses :(

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Gloomy Days

It's a good thing that we took advantage of the nice weather on Saturday because it has turned back to being winter like. Cold, windy and rainy. We do need the rain though so that definitely is welcomed.

Jamie is starting to work late hours again. Kian really is starting to miss seeing his daddy at night and sometimes will stay up to wait for him to come home. At least the weekend is very close and Jamie will be home for the weekend (or so I think anyway).

I am starting to brace myself for being a "single" mom for a good portion of the rest of the year. Thank God for netflix - it helps me to pass the night away quickly until Jamie comes home.

Monday, February 19, 2007

New Photo Hosting Program - Snapfish!!!

NOTE: Please be sure to check your email and use only the link in the email to get to snapfish.

So, I was having a lot of issues with winkflash (uploading and even logging in) so I decided to go with snapfish. Some good friends (Hi Jamey!) have used it for over a year now to share their photos with friends and family so I figured it's working well for them :)

I have tested it on Jamie and myself and honestly it seems to have a lot easier interface. Not to mention, I have had ZERO issues uploading photos to my account which was what was stalling me from putting up anything that was recent!

So, problem solved! And you guys get to see more of Mr. Kian!

If I have your email address you will be receiving an invitation to view our photos. All you have to do is click "View my Photos" in the email and it will take you to the snapfish website. If you don't have an account with snapfish it will ask you for your name and email address and wah-lah there are the photos for viewing :)

If you receive an email to view photos and do not wish to receive more, just let me know and I will remove you from the list.

Golfing With Daddy!

Saturday it was unseasonably warm here and we took advantage of it! Jamie found a golf club for Kian on clearance at Target and hit balls with Kian for the firs time this weekend :) Kian really seemed to enjoy it! As you can see, Toby came with us and was the official ball fetcher (unless Kian got to it first) hehe

It sure was nice to get out of the house. Kian and I were sick last week - well I was VERY sick - so sick that Jamie needed to stay home for a few days. Kian and I are on the mend now and we look forward to having a great week just doing our normal stuff :)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

No Longer Private

Some of my favorite people were having issues being able to log into to view my blog so I decided to take it off of private. At least for now. hopefully Blogger will get a lot of the bugs worked out :)

For now, those of you who have signed up as "readers" you are still in the system in case I decide to go private again.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A New Toliet, Goodbye to Troublemakers and Sick Again (I know, shocking huh?)

This past weekend was very interesting.

First of all, Friday I noticed that our neighbors next door were packing up things and sure enough they are moving – they had a U-Haul today. These are the lovely neighbors that greeted us our first weekend of moving in with a drunken frenzy outside that resulted in our neighbors across the way calling the police. Anyone who has stayed with us at our new place over the weekend knows exactly what neighbors I am talking about because every weekend at least once in the wee hours of the morning you can hear them fighting. Jamie talked to our neighbors across the way and told him they have mutual feelings on these trouble makers leaving. So, those neighbors left us with a quiet Saturday night and have left us wondering who will be moving in next.

Honestly, I didn’t realize how much noise they made until after they were gone! We never hear our neighbors on the other side (I occasionally will hear some music in our kitchen area but nothing that’s too loud).

Second, Jamie is installing a new toilet in our masterbath. The tank had a crack in it that Jamie noticed late last weekend. He looked information on the crack (since there was no leak) on the internet and found out that the crack could give way and we could have some major problems. It was best to replace the toilet.

Yep, it’s his first fix to our house since we moved in. We picked out a toilet Saturday morning and Jamie installed it in the afternoon. I have to say that the man at Lowe’s we spoke to had a WEALTH of information and was very, very helpful. After 5 trips to Lowe’s for different parts and a new toilet seat our “throne” is working just great! I’m so proud of Jamie for taking on this endeavourer, doing the research and getting the job done :)

Honestly, as I see Jamie taking out the old toilet and what not, I think about two Saturday Night Live Sketches. One is for the “Love Toilet” – oh so funny :) I digress hehe

Sunday we had our own little “Super Bowl” Party. We went to Costco that morning and bought some hot wings and I made some cocktail wieners. It was nice :) We had planned to ask our neighbors across the way over, but we have all been battling some sort of cold and they have a newborn. Hopefully once spring hits we will be able to BBQ or something with them :)

This week we are battling some kind of new illness. Jamie and I have felt WIPED out! We went to bed at 10:30 last night (that is early for us) and woke up at about 7 and I felt like I slept for 4 hours :( Last night Kian also woke up in hysterics. I’m not sure if he’s cutting his two year molars, has an ear infection or what was going on. I kept asking him if he had an owie and all he would do was cry :( I finally resorted to giving him some Tylenol and some Hyland’s teething tablets and after some rocking and cuddling he settled down and went back to sleep. I felt so bad for him. I’m watching him like a hawk though because if he does have an ear infection and he’s actually showing signs of it, that means it’s pretty bad.