Toby has been gone for about a month and a half but not one day goes by without thoughts of him.
Today has been kind of hard on Kian. We went to the store to buy some food for our cat, Allie. He talked about getting food for Toby and I told him that Toby didn't need food because he was in heaven. Then questions followed about Allie going to heaven and such.
A few hours later was Tae Kwon Do. They learn punches and kicks and after class the teacher talks to them about how we don't "practice" on other people or animals only at class. She talks about specific things in their lives so it really hits home. One questions the teacher asked today was if anyone had a dog - Kian half way raised his hand about four times. When we got home we talked about Toby again from his prompting - talked about how much we miss him.
Every night before bed we ask Kian if he wants to say his prayers. Most times he does. I always ask him what he's thankful for today. He always names off our family on down through grandparents and even "Uncle" Martin (who forgot his shoes lol - Martin left our shoes but he was known as this in Kian's prayers for a week!) or recent visitors. Then I ask him if he wants to ask Jesus for anything. He asked that Toby would come back home :( I believe he was talking about a book we have been reading called Dog Heaven. The books talks about how dogs go to heaven, have endless treats and spend time with angel children. And sometimes the dog wants to make sure their family is doing ok so it will come back and watch us and make sure everything is ok and then go back up to heaven.
We returned Dog Heaven back to the library last week. I think that it's a book we need to buy. Toby was such a big part of all our lives and even though we are almost two months out from his passing, we still miss him terribly.