Today Kian had to visit the doctor for TB testing - he was supposed to have it before school but somehow paperwork got mixed up and I didn't think he needed it :P oops! Anyway, for his new preschool in Champaign he also had to have a urine and anemia test.....AND since I mentioned the flu shot to the doctor, he asked if we wanted to give it to him now since it would be a good protectant for Kian right from the start of moving PHEW! Poor guy got poked 3 times but NO tears! He is such a brave boy :)
We also got a height and weight on Kian. He's up 2lbs from May weighing in at 33lbs and his height is at 39 3/4"!!!! Kian's car seat is for kiddos 40" or less! This means that once we move to Champaign we will be shopping for a booster car seat for Kian! YIKES! He's getting so big!
Monday, September 29, 2008
This morning Kian was looking at a flyer for Toys R Us and saw the Halloween costumes. He told me he wanted to Lego Indiana Jones (it's just Indiana Jones, but he has played Lego Indiana Jones with Jamie) so I searched and wasn't able to find a costume that would fit him. So I told him that and he said he wanted to be Lego Batman (Jamie and Kian just started playing the game this weekend). He was adament about wanting to be Thomas again this year, even after I brought him downt he costume isle and dshowed him what he could be....but now he's changed his mind lol I even asked him if he wanted to be Batman and not Thomas and he said I halted packing to track down a costume that will fit him...and we found one lol He's so darn cute in it! And he's pretty excited about it too lol I also made sure he knew that he could not change his mind now on what he wanted to be ;) Batman is it!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Moving right along....footloose and fancy free.....
Ok, ok, maybe we aren't footloose and fancy free but we are certainly excited about the move!
Boxes arrive today for packing to begin. We have already started getting rid of some things that we don't use thanks to EABay.
I started research on Preschools in Champaign the moment we knew we were probably going to move there. The first website I visited that I was impressed with was through a Baptist Church. I was hoping there would be a place for Kian since school would have started before we knew for sure we could sign Kian up. I called them yesterday to talk to them about their food allergy policies and see if they had any openings. They had a few spots in Kian's age group available AND one of them happened to have a child with a nut allergy! (not a nice thing, but exciting that the classroom is already set up to be nut free!). This place must have been saved for Kian because we wanted him to attend in the afternoon and decided on the 5 day program....that just HAPPENS to be the same class that the child with the nut allergy is in! WOOT!
I also made a countdown chart for Kian to be able to count down the number of "sleeps" until we move. He's been very concerned about his toys coming with us and has mentioned certain toys he wants to bring with us. I also researched some books at the library and we have three right now that are all about moving. So far we have read one and it was so good - i am hoping Kian will want to read it again because it really goes through the moving process well.
Boxes arrive today for packing to begin. We have already started getting rid of some things that we don't use thanks to EABay.
I started research on Preschools in Champaign the moment we knew we were probably going to move there. The first website I visited that I was impressed with was through a Baptist Church. I was hoping there would be a place for Kian since school would have started before we knew for sure we could sign Kian up. I called them yesterday to talk to them about their food allergy policies and see if they had any openings. They had a few spots in Kian's age group available AND one of them happened to have a child with a nut allergy! (not a nice thing, but exciting that the classroom is already set up to be nut free!). This place must have been saved for Kian because we wanted him to attend in the afternoon and decided on the 5 day program....that just HAPPENS to be the same class that the child with the nut allergy is in! WOOT!
I also made a countdown chart for Kian to be able to count down the number of "sleeps" until we move. He's been very concerned about his toys coming with us and has mentioned certain toys he wants to bring with us. I also researched some books at the library and we have three right now that are all about moving. So far we have read one and it was so good - i am hoping Kian will want to read it again because it really goes through the moving process well.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
So We're Loading Up the Truck and We're Moving to Illinois......Champaign that is
Changing gears a bit from the sadness of losing our sweet Allie to some exciting news.
Yep, it's true! We are offically moving to Champaign, IL. Our target move date is October 17th! We are pretty excited about the move to say the least! Jamie will be able to work 10 mins from home no matter where we are living in that area there AND we will be about 5 1/2 to 6 hours drive away from all sides of the family (different directions of course).
I am hoping that we can get boxes soon so I can start the packing process. Thankfully Kian will be able to continue preschool until the 17th - so at least his schedule won't change much and I will have a few hours of uninterrupted packing when he is there. A big task but exciting none-the-less! We have been doing many different things in the mean time to prepare for moving. One of them was taking Allie to the vet to see if she would survive the move - that was when I received the shocking news that she was not doing well at all :( Unfortuantely Miss Allie will have to move with us in our hearts and memories.
I know we will miss all our friends and family members that we do have out here in California. We have felt so blessed to welcome so many of you into our extended family - it certainly has grown throughout the years and family means that no matter how many miles are between us we will always stay in touch. And please know that if you are ever in the Chicago area, consider taking a 3 hour drive south for a quick visit ;) We will always have a couch or airmattress waiting!
Yep, it's true! We are offically moving to Champaign, IL. Our target move date is October 17th! We are pretty excited about the move to say the least! Jamie will be able to work 10 mins from home no matter where we are living in that area there AND we will be about 5 1/2 to 6 hours drive away from all sides of the family (different directions of course).
I am hoping that we can get boxes soon so I can start the packing process. Thankfully Kian will be able to continue preschool until the 17th - so at least his schedule won't change much and I will have a few hours of uninterrupted packing when he is there. A big task but exciting none-the-less! We have been doing many different things in the mean time to prepare for moving. One of them was taking Allie to the vet to see if she would survive the move - that was when I received the shocking news that she was not doing well at all :( Unfortuantely Miss Allie will have to move with us in our hearts and memories.
I know we will miss all our friends and family members that we do have out here in California. We have felt so blessed to welcome so many of you into our extended family - it certainly has grown throughout the years and family means that no matter how many miles are between us we will always stay in touch. And please know that if you are ever in the Chicago area, consider taking a 3 hour drive south for a quick visit ;) We will always have a couch or airmattress waiting!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
RIP Allie
Sweet Allie went to heaven very peacefully. I was able to talk to her as she slowly passed away. I think she was ready to go. We are so blessed to find her clinging to a tree 6 1/2 years ago. We will miss her incredibly, but we are glad that both Allie and Toby can be together now.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sweet Allie Kitty
Allie has never quite recovered from when she got sick after Toby died. She had liver issues back then. We nursed her back to health and we thought her yellow color was gone. She has been eating and drinking on her own. But she has been very tired and has lost a lot of weight. She normally would spend the day sleeping on our bed, but she hasn't been upstairs in months. She also liked to make me - yes make me lol - pet her before i went to bed - we would have to actually kick her out of the room so we could shut the door and go to sleep...I honestly can't remember the last time she did that. So we decided she needed a visit to the vet to see if we could do anything for her...I was hoping it was her thyroid or something easy that could be solved with medication.
Unforunately I left with bad news. Her yellowness had gone away mostely but it was still there. I didn't notice it until the Vet Tech showed it to me. The vet said that because of the feline AIDS she has, it most likely has compromised her system and caused her body not to fully recover. He said that she is just hanging on right now.
So tomorrow, we will say our final goodbyes. Kian knows that Allie is going to heaven to be with Toby. He seemed to take the news ok, but he did the same with Toby and took things a bit harder after he was gone. Honestly, the hardest part of it all is watching my little man having to say goodbye to yet another part of our family less than three months apart from each other. I know he will find comfort in Allie finding Toby in heaven.
Here are some photos of Allie from the good times. The last one is of Toby and Allie laying together. Allie loved Toby most out of all of us in our family lol Now they can be together again.

Unforunately I left with bad news. Her yellowness had gone away mostely but it was still there. I didn't notice it until the Vet Tech showed it to me. The vet said that because of the feline AIDS she has, it most likely has compromised her system and caused her body not to fully recover. He said that she is just hanging on right now.
So tomorrow, we will say our final goodbyes. Kian knows that Allie is going to heaven to be with Toby. He seemed to take the news ok, but he did the same with Toby and took things a bit harder after he was gone. Honestly, the hardest part of it all is watching my little man having to say goodbye to yet another part of our family less than three months apart from each other. I know he will find comfort in Allie finding Toby in heaven.
Here are some photos of Allie from the good times. The last one is of Toby and Allie laying together. Allie loved Toby most out of all of us in our family lol Now they can be together again.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
All About Me
Kian's preschool is assembling a book of each child in the class - what they are interested in and their likes. It also includes a photo the teachers have taken of each child. Here is what Kian's page looked like (some answers I had to help him with).
What is your full name?: Kian (K-I-A-N - this is what he ALWAYS spells his name after he says it lol) obviously I put Kian Jameson D......
Where were you born and when?: Canada (what? I have no idea where he got this!) Correct answer is San Luis Obispo, CA and May 8th
What is your favorite color?: red and purple (that was today's answer - yesterday it was green and pink)
What is your favorite food?: Carrots and yogurt (obviously not together lol)
What did you do this summer?: Discovery Kingdom, soccer, tae kwon do
What are three things you want to tell us about you?:
I have a cat named Allie.
Toby is in dog heaven. (he still talks about Toby at least several times a week).
I like to play outside with my friends.
What is your full name?: Kian (K-I-A-N - this is what he ALWAYS spells his name after he says it lol) obviously I put Kian Jameson D......
Where were you born and when?: Canada (what? I have no idea where he got this!) Correct answer is San Luis Obispo, CA and May 8th
What is your favorite color?: red and purple (that was today's answer - yesterday it was green and pink)
What is your favorite food?: Carrots and yogurt (obviously not together lol)
What did you do this summer?: Discovery Kingdom, soccer, tae kwon do
What are three things you want to tell us about you?:
I have a cat named Allie.
Toby is in dog heaven. (he still talks about Toby at least several times a week).
I like to play outside with my friends.
Imagination Movers

Disney Channel has an new preschool program called Imagaination Movers. If you are familiar with The Wiggles - they are an American (an personally I think WAY cooler than The Wiggles) type of group. It's made up of four guys who play different instruments and sing some pretty darn cool songs about things from cleaning up your toys to trying over and over again until you get it right.
So for now the big things Kian is into is Imagination Movers, Star Wars and Thomas the Train - what a mix of some great things ;)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Phew! Talk about a busy week! I am so very thankful that it is Friday and our whole family will be together this weekend.
Kian really enjoyed going to school this week :) In fact, I picked him up on Wednesday and he asked me if we could come back tomorrow! lol! Last year he wouldn't say much about what he did during the day at school - this year he has told me what they have done (and I also kind of know because they teacher writes a brief description of the days events and posts it outside the door) so I can kind of help him find words for some things he is telling me about.
Kian also started speech with a new therapist this week. He is now going twice a week and really has excelled from where he was the last time we were going. He's also enjoying going - he gets to play games as he says words so it's fun! And the therapist is very encouraging and works with him well.
Kian has been pretty beat though this week. He dropped his naps last year some time and now we are returning to them. Our summer schedule was very lax compared to what he's doing now so I can see why his brain would need a rest.
We are all excited about our little man doing so well :)
Kian really enjoyed going to school this week :) In fact, I picked him up on Wednesday and he asked me if we could come back tomorrow! lol! Last year he wouldn't say much about what he did during the day at school - this year he has told me what they have done (and I also kind of know because they teacher writes a brief description of the days events and posts it outside the door) so I can kind of help him find words for some things he is telling me about.
Kian also started speech with a new therapist this week. He is now going twice a week and really has excelled from where he was the last time we were going. He's also enjoying going - he gets to play games as he says words so it's fun! And the therapist is very encouraging and works with him well.
Kian has been pretty beat though this week. He dropped his naps last year some time and now we are returning to them. Our summer schedule was very lax compared to what he's doing now so I can see why his brain would need a rest.
We are all excited about our little man doing so well :)
Monday, September 08, 2008
Kian's First Day of Preschool!!!!
Today was Kian's first day of Preschool :) He is attending a different school than he did last year and he's attending one extra day a week (Monday, Wednesday, Fridays from 12:30 - 3:15). I am SO excited about all the things he is going to learn and all the new friends he's going to make.
I created a new layout to celebrate the beginning of school - which also includes a photo I took of him before we left this afternoon :) Here a few more photos....let me preface that some of these poses were done by Kian himself...he is such a goof!

I created a new layout to celebrate the beginning of school - which also includes a photo I took of him before we left this afternoon :) Here a few more photos....let me preface that some of these poses were done by Kian himself...he is such a goof!
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Our Encounter with a Dolphin!
Today we went to Discovery Kingdom (an amusement park and zoo in one). We checked into something we had never really looked into before - which was the dolphin experience. Usually the park has many more people attending and the "experience" is sold out. This time we were quick enough to get there in time :)
Each group (family) was set up with a trainer and a dolphin - ours was named Bella :) We were able to feed her, touch her and have her to a trick...then we got some super cool photos! Here are the few that we bought :)

I really hope that Kian remembers this for the rest of his life! It was such a unique experience! Kian was even wanting to tell the dolphin to do the tricks the trainer was teaching either me or Jamie to do lol He was pretty excited about that!
Each group (family) was set up with a trainer and a dolphin - ours was named Bella :) We were able to feed her, touch her and have her to a trick...then we got some super cool photos! Here are the few that we bought :)

I really hope that Kian remembers this for the rest of his life! It was such a unique experience! Kian was even wanting to tell the dolphin to do the tricks the trainer was teaching either me or Jamie to do lol He was pretty excited about that!
Grieving with Friends :(
Our house has been filled with a looming sadness since Thursday morning. Jamie received a call from our very good friends with bad news - they had lost their baby girl after 30 weeks of pregnancy. These friends are the closest thing we have to family in the immediate area - they are Kian's "aunt" and "uncle - so it feels like we have lost a part of our extended family.
I post this in honor of Julia Anne who was loved from the moment we knew she was there and will always be remembered in our hearts. And to offer up prayers and thoughts to our dear friends as they encounter an unimaginable greif.
I post this in honor of Julia Anne who was loved from the moment we knew she was there and will always be remembered in our hearts. And to offer up prayers and thoughts to our dear friends as they encounter an unimaginable greif.
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