Today I took Kian to get his physical for kindergarten.
He weighs 36.8 lbs and is 41" tall. I'm not sure where that falls on the growth curve but I am betting it all falls right where it always has for our skinny mini ;)
I wasn't sure if he needed any immunizations or not. Well, I was informed he was going to get 4! Yikes! so I told Kian about them. He did awesome until he got the MMR which apparently hurts like a son of a ..... Then he had to get a lead test at the lab - they prick the finger and squeeze out blood. When we got home i gave him some Motrin and tried to give him some Oreos - which he said he wouldn't eat. Needless to say, Kian is not at all in a good mood. I have tried everything to cheer him up, hugs, food, talking....nfinally I just had to leave him be.
Three hours later he has emerged from his room and asked to watch WallE. I feel so bad for him :( Hopefully he's in a much better mood tomorrow since Granna, Papaw, and Christopher Race are coming to visit!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Remembering our Toby
It's hard to believe that yesterday marked a full year of our lives without Toby. This morning I was thinking about him and realized that this anniversary had come. Even though it's been a year, I still think about him all the time.
Kian has also come to realize that he is no longer with us. Someone asked me a few weeks ago if he had any pets, he said yes a dog named Bailey. I know he remembers Toby though and Allie as well.
Today I choose to remember all the fun, wonderful things about Toby. How he would excitedly play and roll around with a pig's year for about a half hour before eating it. The times I would come out of the kitchen and see an 14 month old Kian poking Toby in the eye ball - Toby didn't even move - poor guy! How he would never, ever bark but the cows that would walk by up on the hill in our back yard, he would bark like there was no tomorrow! How I would wake up with his big, black nose in my face as his head rested on the matress as he stood right next to the side of the bed in the mornings.
Toby-bowbee, we miss you buddy. I hope that you are having the time of your life playing with Roxy and Sam.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Diving Board at Swim Lessons!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Day 2 of Level 2 Swim Lessons
Kian did AWESOME at swim lessons today! He dunked his head under water several times, sometimes it was on accident but he recovered well :)
He practiced a back float, front float and started to use a kick board! He has really done well from being a kid that really just did baby pools and slip n slides. I think it also helps that Kian has the same instructor he had last session. Her name is Tori. When Kian found out that Tori was going to be his teacher he said to me, "Miss Tori is pretty." Maybe he's got a crush on her ;)
I took some photos of Kian with my iPhone. I didn't want to disturb the class by moving closer, so the photos are kinda grainy.

He practiced a back float, front float and started to use a kick board! He has really done well from being a kid that really just did baby pools and slip n slides. I think it also helps that Kian has the same instructor he had last session. Her name is Tori. When Kian found out that Tori was going to be his teacher he said to me, "Miss Tori is pretty." Maybe he's got a crush on her ;)
I took some photos of Kian with my iPhone. I didn't want to disturb the class by moving closer, so the photos are kinda grainy.

Kian doing a back float with the help of a green noodle and his instructor

Kian uses the kick board for the first time with his instructor Miss Tori

Kian with the other little boy in his class practicing front kicks.
Kian has the green noodle.
They went all the way from one side of the pool and back!
Kian has the green noodle.
They went all the way from one side of the pool and back!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Kian graduated to Level 2 Swim Lessons!
I'm so proud of our little guy! Today was the first day that the class wore life jackets and went in the deep end! I wasn't sure how Kian would handle it, but he was the first one to get in and do his front kicks and back kicks almost unaided (well, except by the life jacket).
His instructor wrote out a "report" card. All the areas he worked on were checked off and she suggested he move on to Level 2! She also wrote the sweetest note to him on the back, she told him how very (underlined 3 times) proud she was of him.
Kian was SO excited and so proud of himself! He really enjoyed the lessons and he really is learning a lot.
The moment we got home I signed him up for the Level 2 lessons, they start next week :) Thankfully the pool we go to is the "older" one, but it is nice and there are a max of 4 kids per class because of the time it's at and because it's not the cool, new pool. I thought I might not like it there, but I do, so we are sticking with Spalding :)
Two woots for the K-Man!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Swimming, Tee Ball, Library...Swimming, Tee Ball, Library
This is what our life is like at the moment, well it is for me and Kian anyway. Kian is having a good summer though and enjoying the activities.
Kian goes to swim lessons for a half hour every day (except Fridays which is a make up day). Kian hasn't really been in the water much - only when he was a baby. He responded really well to the instructor and has actually put his face in the water, blowing bubbles, and has started to learn how to kick and back float.
Kian is the kiddo on the bright noodles. Practicing getting around on his own!

Kian and I make a weekly run to the library. The first thing we when we arrive is turn in Kian's reading sheet. The library is keeping track of all the kids that have signed up and how many books have been read. I was shocked to see that in the last few weeks there have been over 1,000 books read! Impressive! I usually have a movie or a book waiting for me to pick up and Kian goes through the kid's area and chooses books we will read throughout the week. We are very lucky to have a very, very nice library with a lot of selection in all areas.
Kian goes to swim lessons for a half hour every day (except Fridays which is a make up day). Kian hasn't really been in the water much - only when he was a baby. He responded really well to the instructor and has actually put his face in the water, blowing bubbles, and has started to learn how to kick and back float.
Monday and Wednesday nights is Tee Ball. The class is all real young kiddos so they are focusing on the basics. They have worked on catching and throwing, running the bases, and hitting the ball off the tee. The coaches are young (either high school or college) and they do awesome with the kids.

Kian hits the ball off the tee - yep it's going toward the fence, safety first!
Kian and I make a weekly run to the library. The first thing we when we arrive is turn in Kian's reading sheet. The library is keeping track of all the kids that have signed up and how many books have been read. I was shocked to see that in the last few weeks there have been over 1,000 books read! Impressive! I usually have a movie or a book waiting for me to pick up and Kian goes through the kid's area and chooses books we will read throughout the week. We are very lucky to have a very, very nice library with a lot of selection in all areas.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Yeah, I have been a big slacker in making regular posts. I have yet to go through our photos from Disney World too! :P
Here's the the news on our homefront:
Kian and I went up to Wisconsin last weekend for my sister's bridal shower. We had a good time visiting with family and friends :) Kian also got some good time in with his Grandpa and Great Grandpa at the lake - Kian even went fishing for the first time!
We came back into town on Monday afternoon because Kian started tee ball that night. It ended up being rained out. Instead Jamie had the idea of us going to see the new Pixar movie Up in 3D. It was the first Pixar movie in a few years that we have seen outside of Pixar itself :( We definitely missed going there and hanging out with our friends Scott and Keyong. The movie was great though - we all recommend it :)
Kian's first real tee ball class started on Wednesday night. He had a very good time :) I know he will enjoy the rest of the sessions that we have :)
Next week Kian will start swimming lessons for the first time. It is seeming like our summer is filling up a bit - but that is a good thing :)
Here's the the news on our homefront:
Kian and I went up to Wisconsin last weekend for my sister's bridal shower. We had a good time visiting with family and friends :) Kian also got some good time in with his Grandpa and Great Grandpa at the lake - Kian even went fishing for the first time!
We came back into town on Monday afternoon because Kian started tee ball that night. It ended up being rained out. Instead Jamie had the idea of us going to see the new Pixar movie Up in 3D. It was the first Pixar movie in a few years that we have seen outside of Pixar itself :( We definitely missed going there and hanging out with our friends Scott and Keyong. The movie was great though - we all recommend it :)
Kian's first real tee ball class started on Wednesday night. He had a very good time :) I know he will enjoy the rest of the sessions that we have :)
Next week Kian will start swimming lessons for the first time. It is seeming like our summer is filling up a bit - but that is a good thing :)
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