A few weeks ago I took Kian to get his hair cut. All three of us go to the same stylist and have since we moved here so she knows us all fairly well.
Anyway, she was cutting Kian's hair and had the radio on in the background. All of sudden Kian starts laughing. I said, "What's funny?" He said, "That song." I listened to the song. "Poker Face?" Kian laughed again, "yeah." I was thinking to myself, how does he know anything about poker? I don't think he knows anything about it...
Then he started to sing, "my, my, my, my, my booger face" along with the music. It took me a few times through to understand what he thought Lady Gaga was singing.
Yeah, I would say if I heard the song "Booger Face" on the radio I would laugh too!
So today I go to get my hair cut and what is the first thing the stylist tells me? "I've been telling all my clients about my 1st grader client who likes the song Booger Face." lol!
Let's just say I will never hear that song the right way ever again! ;)
If you want to hear the song follow this link and see the video as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bESGLojNYSo
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Kian's First Day as a 1st Grader!
August 19th was Kian's first day back at school. He was so excited! We learned who his teacher was going to be just the week before. I also took a photo of the roster with my iPhone so I could tell him who would be in his class. He was so excited to see some familiar names (and so was I).
Here's Kian waiting with the other 1st Graders for the bell to ring!
Take note of his shirt. I made sure he wore this shirt today since Daddy couldn't be with us on the first day back (he was in Germany for work). His shirt says "Dad's My Allstar"

The kids could sit anywhere they wanted. Kian ended up sitting with Kaidyn, Ian and Michael. All friends from his class last year. I thought that was so cute!
Me with my 1st grader! Man, the time has really flown by fast!
Take note of his shirt. I made sure he wore this shirt today since Daddy couldn't be with us on the first day back (he was in Germany for work). His shirt says "Dad's My Allstar"
Kian sitting with Ian, a friend from his class last year. They had to sit down because they were so tired. Man it's hard to be 6!
Today was his second full day of school. He seems to really enjoy it. It's always hard for me to get him to tell me about his day - I think it's just because he's not sure where to start! When he got home today and after a snack we laid down on my bed and talked about what he did. I went through what did you do after you put your backpack away and sat down? I found that this really helps to jog his memory - he seemed to have a lot to tell me about then! I will have to make sure this is one of the questions I ask once he's had a snack and chilled out a bit.
Today I got a funny story out of him. He said he got in trouble once. I asked him what happened. He said he had to sit in chair that's not next to anyone. I asked him why he had to sit there. He was hesitant to tell me. I told him, you can tell me. He burst into laughter and after some slowing down and asking if I was understanding what he was saying, he told me he drew a robot being blown up by a bomb. I guess he laughed so much that he had to sit in a timeout (most likely because it wasn't the first time he was asked to be quiet). Although, I'm not sure if he got in trouble at all about the exploding robot lol I laughed with him a little bit and just told him that he needed to make sure he was following the rules. I'm chalking this one up to "sometimes you just gotta laugh."
Today I got a funny story out of him. He said he got in trouble once. I asked him what happened. He said he had to sit in chair that's not next to anyone. I asked him why he had to sit there. He was hesitant to tell me. I told him, you can tell me. He burst into laughter and after some slowing down and asking if I was understanding what he was saying, he told me he drew a robot being blown up by a bomb. I guess he laughed so much that he had to sit in a timeout (most likely because it wasn't the first time he was asked to be quiet). Although, I'm not sure if he got in trouble at all about the exploding robot lol I laughed with him a little bit and just told him that he needed to make sure he was following the rules. I'm chalking this one up to "sometimes you just gotta laugh."
Jamie in Germany and Growth Spurts
Jamie in Germany
It's been one whole week since Jamie left for Germany for GameCom. He's promoting the new game he's working on; Red Faction: Armageddon. I've seen him on one interview so far and I'm sure there will be more to follow.
This is the first time he's gone out of the country without us (the only other time was to Canada which doesn't really feel like out of the country anyway lol). We couldn't use cell phones to communicate to so we loaded Skype on my computer and Jamie's laptop - and also downloaded the app for the iPhone. It's amazing how good the quality is!
It was so neat to use the webcam. We could see and hear Jamie as well as show him things we were talking about that were going on or we bought. For most of the week he was gone, we were able to talk at least a few times a day. He was just getting up when I was getting ready for bed so just he and I would talk for a bit if it worked out we were up at the same time. Other than that our standing appointment was at 3-4 every day.
The conference ended yesterday so he's spending the next few days with his friend Tim. Tim lives in Germany and lived with Jamie and his family as a foreign exchange student when they were all in high school. So now Jamie is actually seeing some of Germany other than just the conference center :)
We sure do miss him a lot! Ten days is the longest he and I have ever been apart. Kian and I are counting the sleeps until he gets home. His flight is supposed to get in after Kian's in bed on Wednesday so there is one more sleep added that I don't have to add :)
Growth Spurts
Kian has gone through a growth spurt recently. Today he came home from school and was saying his pants were hard to button and asked if he could take them off like daddy does when he gets home from work lol! Of course I told him yes! ;) So I went through some of his shorts in his drawer and all his jean shorts are too small! Thankfully he does have some others. He won't be wearing shorts for that much longer. I may have to scour some of the clearance racks and see what I can dig up that hopefully will work for next year too.
It's been one whole week since Jamie left for Germany for GameCom. He's promoting the new game he's working on; Red Faction: Armageddon. I've seen him on one interview so far and I'm sure there will be more to follow.
This is the first time he's gone out of the country without us (the only other time was to Canada which doesn't really feel like out of the country anyway lol). We couldn't use cell phones to communicate to so we loaded Skype on my computer and Jamie's laptop - and also downloaded the app for the iPhone. It's amazing how good the quality is!
It was so neat to use the webcam. We could see and hear Jamie as well as show him things we were talking about that were going on or we bought. For most of the week he was gone, we were able to talk at least a few times a day. He was just getting up when I was getting ready for bed so just he and I would talk for a bit if it worked out we were up at the same time. Other than that our standing appointment was at 3-4 every day.
The conference ended yesterday so he's spending the next few days with his friend Tim. Tim lives in Germany and lived with Jamie and his family as a foreign exchange student when they were all in high school. So now Jamie is actually seeing some of Germany other than just the conference center :)
We sure do miss him a lot! Ten days is the longest he and I have ever been apart. Kian and I are counting the sleeps until he gets home. His flight is supposed to get in after Kian's in bed on Wednesday so there is one more sleep added that I don't have to add :)
Growth Spurts
Kian has gone through a growth spurt recently. Today he came home from school and was saying his pants were hard to button and asked if he could take them off like daddy does when he gets home from work lol! Of course I told him yes! ;) So I went through some of his shorts in his drawer and all his jean shorts are too small! Thankfully he does have some others. He won't be wearing shorts for that much longer. I may have to scour some of the clearance racks and see what I can dig up that hopefully will work for next year too.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
July Excitement!!
I've been a super slacker lately in posting, but we have been SUPER busy over the last month! Since today is the first of August, I thought I would reflect back on the highlights July.
4th of July
My parents came down for the 4th of July. We scoped out the fireworks in the area and headed over there a bit earlier than we could have, but Kian had a blast on the bounce house stuff they had there (thank God for unlimited trip bracelet purchases!) The fireworks were pretty spectacular! We will will definitely go again next year :)
Click here to see photos.
Great America
We took our second trip up to Great America the second weekend in July. I unfortunately felt sick after driving in the car and was out for the count after taking some Dramamine. I napped in the hotel room while the guys went back to the park and rode all sorts of rides.
When the guys were on their way back to the hotel, I felt like a normal person and started looking for a place to eat dinner. We found this STUPENDOUS place to eat! The place is called Divino and it's in Grayslake, IL. The food was good but the gelato was TO DIE FOR!!!! We all had different flavors but my faves were the mix the owner suggested: mango and strawberry. omg....words cannot describe how smooth and exactly like the fruit it tasted (because it's made with the real fruit!). If you're in area of Great America in Gurnee, IL make sure to stop by this little cafe. Tell them that the family from Champaign sent you ;)
It was also our first time at a park knowing that Kian's food allergy was not an issue! So we had our first funnel cake of the season - Kian opted for popcorn after a bite though.
Work Travel
Jamie made his second trip to Cali for Red Faction Armageddon. This time he went SF and got to meet up with some good friends in the area (lucky dog!). Click here to see his interview with Game Spot - one of the place he talked to when he was there. He got home later on Friday night and geared up for another trip that our family planned well before we knew about this SF trip.
Walking Where Lincoln Walked
We spent a weekend in Springfield, a place I have always wanted to go since I have always loved Civil War history and Lincoln is my favorite president.
We visited Lincoln's home and neighborhood, Lincoln's Law Offices, the Lincoln Museum, and Lincoln's Tomb. Jamie was amazing and took watch over Kian so I could geek out. I discovered many things about Lincoln that I didn't know or just forgot. Kian did get bored though so I sent the guys back to the hotel so I could meander the streets and take my time in shops and such. After dinner on Saturday, I headed back downtown for a Ghost Walk. It was very educational and entertaining. I am hoping to get back there around Halloween when they do more of a scary walk.
I honestly didn't think that Kian was getting much out of the trip and felt kind of guilty for dragging my guys around. But since we came back from the trip, Kian has talked about Lincoln at random times telling me facts he learned about him.
I am extremely glad that we went and I am hoping to go back (at the very least just me) to see the Old Capitol and go through some of the other sites again. The Museum is definitely worth another walk through. It's pretty amazing and a must see if you go to Springfield.
If you're interested in photos, take a look here :)
Kian's Activities
Kian continued swim lessons for most of July. He has progressed a lot! I am impressed with the strokes he's able to do and he really enjoys the lessons.
The T-ball Clinic ended early in July. They worked up to playing a real game! It was really neat to watch and funny too since some of the kids ran to third instead of first or everyone tagged a kid on base with their glove even if they didn't have the ball. So cute!
The last week of July Kian took a British Challenge Soccer class. It was amazing to see how different these coaches were from the last time Kian did the class. I have to be honest and say that these girls were more organized and I think that the kids learned a lot more about the game. The other class he took focused more on skills, which is good of course, but Kian is ready to step it up a notch.
Tooth #8
Kian lost his 8th tooth a few weeks ago! And it's a good thing because the adult one was coming in right in front of it! After the dentist told him to start working on getting it loose, Kian set to work and the next day it was out and ready for TF pick up ;)
4th of July
My parents came down for the 4th of July. We scoped out the fireworks in the area and headed over there a bit earlier than we could have, but Kian had a blast on the bounce house stuff they had there (thank God for unlimited trip bracelet purchases!) The fireworks were pretty spectacular! We will will definitely go again next year :)
Click here to see photos.
Great America
We took our second trip up to Great America the second weekend in July. I unfortunately felt sick after driving in the car and was out for the count after taking some Dramamine. I napped in the hotel room while the guys went back to the park and rode all sorts of rides.
When the guys were on their way back to the hotel, I felt like a normal person and started looking for a place to eat dinner. We found this STUPENDOUS place to eat! The place is called Divino and it's in Grayslake, IL. The food was good but the gelato was TO DIE FOR!!!! We all had different flavors but my faves were the mix the owner suggested: mango and strawberry. omg....words cannot describe how smooth and exactly like the fruit it tasted (because it's made with the real fruit!). If you're in area of Great America in Gurnee, IL make sure to stop by this little cafe. Tell them that the family from Champaign sent you ;)
It was also our first time at a park knowing that Kian's food allergy was not an issue! So we had our first funnel cake of the season - Kian opted for popcorn after a bite though.
Work Travel
Jamie made his second trip to Cali for Red Faction Armageddon. This time he went SF and got to meet up with some good friends in the area (lucky dog!). Click here to see his interview with Game Spot - one of the place he talked to when he was there. He got home later on Friday night and geared up for another trip that our family planned well before we knew about this SF trip.
Walking Where Lincoln Walked
We spent a weekend in Springfield, a place I have always wanted to go since I have always loved Civil War history and Lincoln is my favorite president.
We visited Lincoln's home and neighborhood, Lincoln's Law Offices, the Lincoln Museum, and Lincoln's Tomb. Jamie was amazing and took watch over Kian so I could geek out. I discovered many things about Lincoln that I didn't know or just forgot. Kian did get bored though so I sent the guys back to the hotel so I could meander the streets and take my time in shops and such. After dinner on Saturday, I headed back downtown for a Ghost Walk. It was very educational and entertaining. I am hoping to get back there around Halloween when they do more of a scary walk.
I honestly didn't think that Kian was getting much out of the trip and felt kind of guilty for dragging my guys around. But since we came back from the trip, Kian has talked about Lincoln at random times telling me facts he learned about him.
I am extremely glad that we went and I am hoping to go back (at the very least just me) to see the Old Capitol and go through some of the other sites again. The Museum is definitely worth another walk through. It's pretty amazing and a must see if you go to Springfield.
If you're interested in photos, take a look here :)
Kian's Activities
Kian continued swim lessons for most of July. He has progressed a lot! I am impressed with the strokes he's able to do and he really enjoys the lessons.
The T-ball Clinic ended early in July. They worked up to playing a real game! It was really neat to watch and funny too since some of the kids ran to third instead of first or everyone tagged a kid on base with their glove even if they didn't have the ball. So cute!
The last week of July Kian took a British Challenge Soccer class. It was amazing to see how different these coaches were from the last time Kian did the class. I have to be honest and say that these girls were more organized and I think that the kids learned a lot more about the game. The other class he took focused more on skills, which is good of course, but Kian is ready to step it up a notch.
Tooth #8
Kian lost his 8th tooth a few weeks ago! And it's a good thing because the adult one was coming in right in front of it! After the dentist told him to start working on getting it loose, Kian set to work and the next day it was out and ready for TF pick up ;)
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