I honestly think that over the last few weeks my mind was fried…ok, it’s been fried since before the birth with pregnancy brain, then Mommy brain…what is it called when it gets worse LOL
Anyway, I realized that I forgot to post about some of Kian’s milestones! I would say right around the time that he had bronchitis he started to crawl forward and pull up on things! I remember at the time wondering how he had the energy to that stuff when he didn’t feel good! He is all over the place now. We have had to set up barricades in the living room – a storage container and a laundry basket with blankets and a ream of paper to weigh it down keeps him jailed in and away from the tile floor and Toby’s dish. He’s getting better and better on his feet and he’s cruising around a lot. It’s bitter sweet to have him doing all these things…sad because it means he’s growing up and bitter because he’s more of a handful now! lol
Kian’s Birthday!
Kian’s Birthday is quickly approaching! I can’t believe that in about a month and a half he will be a year old! Jamie and I were looking at some video from when we were in the hospital…it seems like yesterday that he had that sweet smell about him and was so warm and cuddly…now he smells like the yogurt he likes to put in his hair when I feed him and he squirmy! hehe
This weekend I went out and bought party things for his birthday. We won’t have a big celebration. My Aunt Lori and Uncle Dave will be coming up from Moorpark (about 3 hours away) to celebrate with us. Even though it will be a small crowd, I wanted to have some special plates and things that said he was turning one :) I can only hope that he will be able to eat some cake and not vomit it up! lol
More Teeth - He's Up To Three Now
Kian cut his first top tooth today. I knew they would poke through any day now…today was the day :) I can see and feel the little sharp thing…boy am I glad we aren’t breastfeeding anymore! hehe
Oh yeah, that’s another thing I didn’t post about…Kian pretty much weaned himself when he had bronchitis. He didn’t want anything to do with the breast. We were just breastfeeding at night before bed and in the morning after he wakes up so it wasn’t that big of a deal, but still we are all through now.
Anyway, Kian has been a SUPER crank or what I like to call him the Crank of America lately. I know his teeth are bugging him but sheesh! I was thinking about putting him up for auction on ebay lol (not really, of course!) Today he was such a crank that he decided he wasn’t going to nap for more than 15 minutes for both naps today. Let’s just say that right now I am spent! At least he’s sleeping right now…but I barely got anything done all day today….I was having flashbacks to the days when he wouldn’t let me put him down AT ALL and I never got a thing done (back then I couldn’t even put him in the infant carrier and put that on the grocery cart – he wanted nothing to do with that so I had to carry him in the front carrier).
Up a Clothing Size – Almost lol
Kian started to wear more of his 6-9 month clothing now :) Yipee! Pants are still a problem for him. The 6-9 month stuff still just falls right off his body but the 3-6 month are still working for now. I am hoping that he puts some meat on around his waist before his legs get too long for the pants he can wear now!
Mom and Dad’s Date Night :)
Jamie and I got a night out last night :) I had seen a commercial for a live performance of the musical Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I told Jamie about it and he looked into getting tickets and we are lucky we got them! The troop was only performing one night and it was sold out!
For those of you who don’t know, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is my favorite musical. I have watched it countless times! The movie version stars the late great Howard Keel who passed away last year (he was in Show Boat and Kiss Me Kate as well). I think it was filmed in the late 1940’s. So needless to say, we were probably part of the 5% who were below the age of 40! Most of the people there were older and I even heard a lady behind me saying that the last time she saw the musical was in the movie theatre! Wow!
The show was amazing! It was put on by a troop from New York City and had some GREAT dancers in it. There is a HUGE dance scene that I wondered if it would rival the one on the movie and it sure did! They did an amazing job…so much so that I would have seen it another time if they were there another night!
My Great Aunt Connie introduced me to this musical when I was about 10 years old and I have loved it ever since. She passed away a few years ago…I have to say I thought about her a lot last night and feel like she was looking down on me as I watched the show.
Kian had a good evening too with Granna Priscilla :) (For those of you who don’t know, I used to live with Priscilla when I worked with the Navigators at Cal Poly.) He was up for another hour after we left for the play and Priscilla said that he did great. At least he’s not having separation anxiety yet! It would make it a lot harder to leave him if he was upset when we left. Priscilla said that he had a great time playing and went to sleep rather quickly – how nice that he does these things when I am not here! (do you hear the sarcasm in my words lol) Anyway, thanks Priscilla and I look forward to having that Monte Cristo at Madonna Inn after the holidays!
Lab Results Aren’t In Yet
I called today to see if the results are back yet and the person I spoke to said she didn’t see it. There are some new people in Dr. Bravo’s office. I know that Kian’s favorite nurse, Stacy, will be working tomorrow so I will give a call then and ask to speak to her to see if I can get some answers. The CF (cystic fibrosis) test is suppose to take 3-5 days to get results…tomorrow it will be 7 days. I feel in my heart that Kian is fine but it sure would be nice to have some results to back that gut feeling up. I will post as soon as I know anything.
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