Well, we just got home with Kian about an hour ago. We spent about 6 hours in the ER tonight. He was having a lot of labored breathing even after I gave him a breathing treatment and wasn't sleeping well or drinking anything. He started out with a runny nose on Thursday, a cough on Friday added to the runny nose and then it all got a little worse yesterday. Today he was really bad and finally I told my mom that I was a hair close of taking him to the ER - when Kian woke up from not being able to sleep from his nap she held him a bit and said she could tell his breathing was bad....so we took him to the ER. He was given a steroid and 3 breathing treatments about 20 mins apart. He had an IV and they did all sorts of tests on him. He also has ear infections in both ears :( So, he's on Zithromax - he will start it tomorrow because he got a strong antibiotic through IV while in the ER. It's been a long day :( No Dave and Busters for us – we were going to take Jamie there after Kian’s first nap...Father's day really stunk :(
Please say a prayer for Kian because I am still really worried about him. He's still breathing badly but not as bad as before and all his numbers were good before we left the hospital. I am so worried about him :( Hopefully we will know more tomorrow when we see our Pediatrician.
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