Well, I had this HUGE delima after Christmas....do I get a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer with the money I had left over or a freezer. Yeah, I know what you might be thinking...a freezer with her Christmas money! LOL Well, it's something that I have been wanting for almost as long as I have wanted that Mixer...AND since it would benefit the whole family Jamie and I decided that we would use money from extra pay checks we will get in March (our budget is for four week months and not five...the rest of the money is put on debt which is AWESOME!). BUT we saw that the freezer was on sale now so we thought that it would be more beneficial for us to get the freezer now and for me to use the money in March to get the Mixer (although in my mind, I am getting the Mixer with my Christmas money as it sounds better LOL and it's just for me :)
Here is a photo of the Freezer we got:

We originally were looking at getting a chest freezer but I talked to my mom earlier today and oddly enough their freezer (that was like 35 years old) stopped working and they decided to get an upright so that they could save space and that things wouldn't get lost in the bottom of the freezer. I am so glad I talked to her before we left for Sears because after I looked at the chest freezers I realized that I would probably fall in the freezer getting something from the bottom (and that I am not joking about!) This one was only $70 more than the chest freezer and we figure that we will have it for a long time. And we don't have a whole lot of space in our garage for the freezer so this will actually work out a lot better than a chest!
It won't be available for pick up until Tuesday but I am SO excited to get and start filling it up! We are going to be able to save a lot of money being able to buy things on sale. It was frustrating when I would wait for something to go on sale again and have to buy it at full price! (ok, most of you should know I am the coupon queen - I am also the bargin shopper too).
Watch out Costco! Here I come! hehe
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