Sunday, May 21, 2006


First of all, Jamie got a promotion and a raise!!!! A big congrats to him - Kian and I are so proud!!!

Well, Friday Jamie found out about all this with his job and we were ready to go looking for houses! We called our realator that night and she said that she was just about to call us because she was free on Saturday! So, we met up Saturday and looked at about 6 places in our price range. With Jamie's raise we will be able to do a 3BR place!!!! We found one we really, really, really liked and put in an offer! Well, the contract would expire tonight by 9PM and at 7PM our realator called and said, "Are you sitting down?" I knew then that they had accepted our offer!!!

WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!! The only contingency that they would replace the awesome fridge with one that was 3 years old...that's totally cool with us. Our realator ROCKS! The seller's realator called her and she let him know that we were interested in another place in that same complex (which is true) and we would pursue that if this didn't go through! And we even offered them 20K below what they were asking for! Anyway, we are in escrow right now!!!! I'm SO excited! Our realator is going to look at the fridge tomorrow to make sure it's not a junker and then if it's okay then she will put the papers through the start the process I seriously can't wait! June 28th we will move in if everything goes well!

Here are links to the photos of the place. We LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It's 3BR, 2 full bath, one half bath and the back of the townhouse is up against a field :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAAAAAH! I am so excited for you guys!! How's the process going now - I am a little late checking up on your site.. hahaa!