Kian is saying more and more things clearly. He’s been talking for quite some time now, but we just couldn’t understand what he was saying all the time. More and more every day we understand more words. In the last week he started saying “yeah.” When I would ask him a question he would tell me yes or shake his head profusely no lol It’s so cute!
One funny thing this weekend was the events that happened Sunday morning. He had several time-outs in the first hour he was awake (btw, this isn’t normal for him) and after the last one I said to him, “You’re having a rough morning, huh?” He said through tears, “Yeah!” LOL I about lost it!
Kian also has found new freedom as we took down a gate that kept him out of the kitchen and dining areas (mainly because my laptop is parked on the dining table and I need it to work and make sure I’m on top of work emails). Most of Kian's timeouts stemed from the fact that he was touching my computer. Daddy had a great idea and found an old keyboard and mouse that Kian has had a great time pounding on. It's also helped him to fight the urge to do the same to my computer!
I think Toby and Allie are adjusting to this as Toby doesn’t have much other places to go and Allie well, she’s just her old sassy self lol Kian discovered Toby’s food bowl today and and all day has been feeding Toby his food one morsel at a time. If you know our dog, he won’t take any food or item from anyone unless he is told “okay.” After each morsel Kian would tell him “oh-tay” LOL Poor Toby! At least he’s ok with Kian sticking his fingers right in his food though!
Also, this weekend we got Kian a sandbox! It took a while to search one out that we liked and felt like Kian would be able to grow with. He’s enjoyed digging in the sand, but only on the outside of the box. He’s not real fond of the feel of sand apparently, but I figure he will get used to it as we go out there and play off and on throughout the day.
As I type this Kian is running back and forth from the landing on the stairs to the dining area where I am using my lap top. It’s amazing to think he really hadn’t quite mastered walking yet at this time last year! It’s amazing how many changes he has made over such a short period of time. How time is flying by!
OH and I almost forgot to add that apparently Kian has inherited my Wisconsin genes! Today, Labor Day, we grilled brats (which of course were parboiled in beer and no it does not make the brats be full of alcohol which was one of Jamie’s questions) and had corn on the cob for lunch. Kian’s not a meat fan but he does like sausages. A brat is like a sausage so he gobbled it right up! He also was asking me for some sauerkraut since he saw me put some on my brat. I wasn’t sure how he would do with it but as soon as he had a bite he said “mmmmm” I guess he’s definitely his mommy’s son!
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