Friday, August 17, 2007


Bye-Bye Training Potty and Hello preschool!!!! YIKES!

Since Kian started using the "big" potty we took removed both of his training toliets. He seemed to notice but not care at all about the change. He hasn't used them in over a week and it's nice to have that floor space back.

This week I realized that we will be able to enroll Kian in preschool because he's fully potty trained now (well, during the day anyway). Kian and I will start a class in September where I attend preschool with him. I feel like that will be a good transition for him and I can help him understand what is going on and what he will be doing for about 4 hours a week starting this winter.

I have to say that I am EXTREMELY nervous about sending him off to preschool where he will not be under my watchful eye. I'm sure that during that two hour period there will be snacks. I am for sure will be checking in with the teacher before he starts to make sure they are aware that he can have reactions to odd things that people wouldn't think are processed near nuts (like the cinnamon sticks I mentioned in the previous post). I seriously have visions of something terrible happening to him - nightmares - because of someone else's inability to understand the severity of this allergy or just deciding I'm an overbearing mom gone crazy about this issue. When Kian goes in for his flu shot this fall, I will be requesting a presciption for another Epi-Pen so I can leave it in his cubby at preschool. I'm praying for a teacher with understanding.

What I am looking forward to is having that time to do work and do other things that are hard or impossible having him with me as well as seeing him learn and grow in ways I feel I cannot provide for him at home.....especially in the area of having playmates. Although it's such a huge step in my mind...he's still my little guy!!!

Late Hours....Again

Are you sick of me saying this lol! I seriously cannot wait for this project to be put to bed as those in the newspaper industry say. We have about 6 weeks until Disneyland. I am starting to talk to Kian about seeing Mickey and Minnie and I am REALLY looking forward to going myself. We are also starting to plan out legistics of getting down there with Toby in the back of my Matrix. My Aunt Lori and Uncle Dave have GRACIOUSLY offered to dog sit Mr. Toby - he's going to be so spoiled lol It will be like a vacation for him!

Toe Update

Last week I had more treatment done to my toe. Same stuff put on top of new skin feel s WORSE than the initial treatment. I've been sitting on the couch so much over the last week I think my butt is imprinted on it now. Poor, poor Kian. I feel stir crazy so I can only imagine how he feels. We ventured out on Tuesday when my foot feelt pretty good....well, I think that did me in. Since then I haven't been able to walk really or do much of anything else. I can't even sit without my foot level with my body without it throbbing with pain.

I am not looking forward to going to back a week from Monday. But I am hoping there will be only a few more times of going back and I will be done.

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