Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Great Purge

Our storage unit will be empty by the end of the month - it almost is now. We have removed all the stuff we have hauled around with us the last few years. Almost all our moves have been fast so we haven't had time to go through and purge. And the times we have, we have just not been real with what is worth keeping.

Most of the things in our storage unit were Kian's baby items - clothes, toys, bottles of every name it. We hung onto it just incase we did add to our family but now that we know it is complete it's time to say goodbye to all that stuff. As I have gone through tiny pants, socks, stained bips and burp clothes it brought back memories of my little man using them or being in them. It's time for a new baby to enjoy them and for the memories to keep in my mind and heart. I did keep a few things like the outfit we brough Kian home in, a favorite toy or two of his when he was a baby. Other than that we bid farewell to the rest and are happy to rid ourselves of it!

Big Brothers and Big Sisters will be very happy to receive our pile o' stuff. And it feels good to give it all away to help aid those in need. It's a win-win for everyone.

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