As requested, here are some photos that were in the listing for the house we are renting :)
View of the front of the house, garage, and side entry way:

Front Yard

Back Yard - behind the fence is a paved walking trail and a creek
Pantry/Electrial area. This is right when you walk in the side door - I am planning on putting up a curtain or something so people don't see all my Sam's Club goodies in there ;)
Kitchen shots - there is a small area in the corner across from the cabinets in this photo where our round dining table will fit perfectly in
Front entry way and living room (you can see the side entry from this angle as well)
Other side of the living room

Hallway in between the bedrooms and living room - this view is toward the Master bedroom
Hallway view toward the bathroom - laundry area is just to the left

Photos of each of the bedrooms - there are three in a row and look very similar - I can't tell which is which in the photos lol One will be the Master, one will be our office and one will be Kian's room

Newly remodeled bathroom

Well, that's the tour! We are going to go through the paperwork tomorrow! I am hoping that I will have a few days to start laying down some contact paper and what not before the movers arrive with all our stuff!
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