Thursday, February 25, 2010

Slacker Report from Last Month :P

Today I came to view my blog and was shocked that I had not written anything in over a month! Yikes!

Valentine's Day

Kian was so sweet. Jameson took him to the store and helped him pick out a card for me. He wrote "Mome" on the front (after sounding out Mommy) and signed his name in the card all on his own.

At school they had a card exchange. Kian of course picked out Bakugan Valentine's and had special ones for his extra special friends. That brought back a lot of memories :)

School Carnival

Kian's school had a fundraising carnival. It was a lot of fun! Kian did so well with the games! He even won a 2 liter bottle of Sprite after getting a ring on a soda bottle after the 3rd try! (Thankfully he doesn't take after his mother in the sports area.)

Missing Tooth #5

Last week Kian had a loose tooth and he kept working on it until it came out! So for the 5th time the Tooth Fairy made her visit. Kian scored $5! Tooth #6 should follow soon - I would say it will be out before his birthday.

Our 8th Anniversary!

Jameson and I celebrated 8 years of marriage on Feb. 23rd. He surprised me by taking the day off of work and making reservations and a fancy restaurant for lunch. We had whatever we wanted which included ending with a yummy dessert and spiked coffee :) I am one lucky gal, that's for darn sure!

Now that March is around the corner our house has been decorated in more Irish stuff than usual (of course it all went up the day after Valentine's day). In fact, this weekend we are going to start Kian's monthly family project - we're making a leprechaun trap! From what I hear, they eat glitter so I made sure we had some to catch the leprechaun ;)

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