Yesterday we finished our diet and had our first splurge day. I have to say that I was really looking forward to it, but being in the middle of it I started realizing that my view of food has completely changed from before we started dieting.
Jameson and I ate lunch at our favorite Indian restaurant - and as usual got their buffet. My first (and only plate) had two small pieces of naan, a scoop of basmati rice, and a scoop of chicken tikka masala. I couldn't eat it all! It was then that Jameon and I decided that if we do Indian again we will get one order and split it. Before I would have two plate of food, countless pieces of naan, and the carrot puree desert. Bleh! I have no idea how I did it...and I will never go back to being that person again....
That evening we decided to have dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant, El Toro. Since we went almost 10 weeks without cheese or carbs we were excited to dig in. Of course I order what I usually do - a combo that has a chalupa (the real deal, not the Taco Bell crap), enchilada, and a taco. I could only eat the chalupa....the rest of it came home with me in a box. Granted, I did have quite a few tortilla chips with their salsa, but not enough to ruin my entire appetite! But I was happy eating just the chalupa because if I would have ate more I would have felt sick to my stomach...just the whole chalupa was making me feel uncomfortable!

To top it all off, I brought home some cupcakes after I was done with my frosting shift at Cream & Flutter. Now this, unfortunately, is the one food that is the bane of my existance. The gourmet cupcakes that we serve or beyond delicious and enter into the heavenly category. They are hard to resist and I must keep my indulging to weekly. Having a cupcake every day got me to the 30lbs that I packed on before! But one cupcake a week - on our splurge day - helps me enjoy the delicious cupcakes I help create without the guilt.

After all was said and done, splurge day was not what I expected. Sure we ate food that we had been looking forward to having again. But my view of food is so different now it's not quite as exciting as it used to be. I'm not looking at what will just taste good, but what my body will accept as good fuel.
So today we went back to eating as we were when we were on the diet to help our bodies readjust to all those carbs and calories that its not used to having to process. And you know what? I actually don't mind going back to a meat and two veggies. I know it will not only taste good, but my body will thank me for it :)
Dinner tonight: Grilled top sirloin, roasted asparagus and mushrooms with a bit of EVOO, Real Salt, and fresh ground Garlic Pepper seasoning. So hard to eat....NOT! lol
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