Monday, January 07, 2008

Holiday Break

PHEW! It was a great 12 days or so of having Jamie home full time. What did we do? RELAXED! We went out on a few shopping outtings but other than that we all just did what we wanted when we wanted. It was very nice to be able to do that!

Jamie and I rang in the New Year on our own with some sparkling wine while watching Dick Clark's New Years show. It was a nice, quiet evening at home but we enjoyed ourselves :) I made my mom's famous bean dip and smokies - we munched on that all New Years Eve and was something that made the day feel special :)

It has been hard to get back into the swing of things though. Kian is SO ready for his classes and speech to start up again! Speech - that reminds me that Kian has seemed to take yet another leap in the amount he's talking and being understandable. It's amazing to hear what is going on in his little head throughout the day - gives us all some chuckles here and there ;) As for class, well I am trying HARD to get him into pre-school. He goes to a pre-pre-school right now where I attend class with him. Both Jamie and I feel like he's ready for the next step. I have a call into two different places and I am HOPING AND PRAYING that there is a spot at the first place we want him to go to. They have a NO NUT policy (woot!) and after seeing the structure of the class lined out on their website, I feel like this might be a better fit for him all the way around. We will have to see....right now I am leaving it in God's hands, but I really feel like he needs to be at class without me before he's thrown into pre-K classes next fall. We will have to see...but man it's weighing heavily on my mind (funny how things completely out of your control can do that to you!) I digress!

Jamie's Project Change

Jamie is back at work full time now and as of last week found out he was moved to work on Godfather II. A move he's not real happy about, but at least it's temorary...we are trying to keep a positive out look on it even though it means that Jamie will be home at about 9PM or later every night (Kian will be in bed by then) and that working even longer hours is just around the corner (most likely this summer). We are bracing ourselves and making changes as needed. I just feel bad for Kian not being able to see his Daddy much at all during the weekdays.

The San Francisco Storms

Well, we braved the storms that came through late last week. Thankfully Jamie wasn't feeling well on Friday and stayed home - I would have been VERY afraid if he were driving in the conditions that were outside! The wind was gusting strong and rain was coming down hard off and on. One bridge crossing the Bay was even shut down because of the winds!!! Some things on our patio got wipped around too - I even had to take down my new shamrock wind mobile that my grandparents got me for Christmas for fear it would be blown away and lost forever!

We got pelted with three different storms and more are headed this way GAH! At least the there was no damage to be seen near us...but many places in the area suffered power outages and the thread of flooding. Hopefully the other storms are not as bad as the last few.

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