We have talked about her off and on. Kian has said he wasn't ready.
Today we went to a Ped dentist who was AMAZING. I said I was concerned about Kian's bite and they said it was from the binky and it could have lasting effects on his bones YIKES!!! After the appointment we had to go to Walmart and Kian saw this big (and ugly) monster truck called the Grave Digger and said he wanted that. I told him that the binky fairy would bring him a big boy toy like that if he gave up his binkies. The look on his face was priceless...somethign TOTALLY clicked for him. All he could talk about was the binky fairy and that darn truck lol!
We get home from shopping and a while later get ready for a nap. He told me he was ready so we got the two binkies and he said he wanted the monster truck. I was gasping because well, i'm at home alone and well, I wasn't going to run back to Walmart to get him this thing! ROFL So I told him that we need to make an appointment with the Binky fairy and she only comes at night (ROFLMAO!). He decided not to nap and when I went in to get him he asked for his binky...I told him I already called the binky fairy and she was coming tonight. He was cool with that. PHEW!
So, last night I went to Walmart and scooped up the Grave Digger. When I got it home DH was SHOCKED at how big it was! lol! When I got home Kian was asleep! And in fact when DH put him down the only thing he mentioned about the blinkies was that he was going to get a monster truck!!! He also slept ALL the way through the night without any issue!
This morning he woke up and both me and DH went to his room - the binky fairy left the monster truck right outside his door. so I opened the door and said, "Kian, what is this?!?" and he couldn't get out of his bed fast enough!!! He ran over and said "MY MONSTER TRUCK!!!" He was so excited it was like Christmas all over again :)
So, this morning he's been playing with this truck - which btw, is bigger than his tonka dump truck! And I took a few pictures of him...and honest to God the poses are his...in fact, he wanted more photos after I was done with new poses ROFL!
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