Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Brush your teeth, Round and round....

Kian went to the dentist to for a check up and cleaning on Monday. Cavity free! He also had some x-rays done and we were told that in the next 6 months he will probably lose his bottom two front teeth! Dr. Josh let me know that was ok - he is just outside the norm on that and not to freak out when it happens lol I seriously didn't think the Tooth Fairy would be visiting us before his 5th birthday! I guess we will find out ;)

Visit from Granna

Jamie's mom arrived for a 5 day visit. She brought a TON of hot wheels cars and a storage case for them for Kian. They ended up playing with them for almost the entire time she was here!

We also went to the San Jose Children's Museum for the first time and took a trip to Discovery Kingdom for rides and zoo fun. Kian sure wore out quickly - he even napped in the car for probably the 3rd and 4th times in his entire life!

Jamie and I were also able to get out and get some time on our own which was very nice :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Killing two birds with one stone - or should I say mouse....

This morning we came downstairs to "trophies" of Allie's victory last night. At first I thought it was playdoh but upon further inspection I could make out a tail and what seemed to be a nose.

At least she took care of the mouse that got in our house when the pipes were being re-routed. And now I don't have to worry about her eating this morning either - i am guessing her belly is pretty full right now lol

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Miss Allie Update

Allie has seemed to have an epiphany of sorts because it's like she beccame a different cat seemingly overnight. I'm not sure if was because the anitibiotics she was on are now done or if it's because we have a mouse in our house again and she's been on the hunt....but whatever it is she is doing SO much better. I have not had to syringe feed her at all since Tuesday because she is eating on her own. I do have to put her in front of her bowl from time to time, but she is eating normally now :) She also purred last night for the first time in weeks while I pet seems our kitty has returned! :)

With Allie getting well, I have had some new found energy and started getting creative again. I have gone a little crazy making signatures for myself and friends of mine. I also revamped the look of my blog :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Good News on Allie

Allie seems to have been acting a little bit more like normal today. She is also eating more on her own then she has since she first got sick. She is also looking A LOT less yellow. I am encouraged but I am keeping a close eye on her.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Soccer Slideshow

As promised, here are photos of Kian's second soccer practice. Decked out in all his gear (the outfit is a Target special but super cute lol). We did finally get him cleats because his normal shoes just were not working with the shin guards - took us almost all day to hunt down a toddler sized pair small enough for him! Jamie has taken him out practicing in his cleats and he should be ready to go on Saturday morning again :) Enjoy the photos!

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's pretty bad when....

you have to find a game guide online to help your 4 year old son get through a part in Jimmy Nutron and the Attack of the Twonkies. A kids game that an adult has problems with the At least he likes the game but sheesh, this game maker needs some serious help....either that or butt whooping from this momma!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Great Purge

Our storage unit will be empty by the end of the month - it almost is now. We have removed all the stuff we have hauled around with us the last few years. Almost all our moves have been fast so we haven't had time to go through and purge. And the times we have, we have just not been real with what is worth keeping.

Most of the things in our storage unit were Kian's baby items - clothes, toys, bottles of every name it. We hung onto it just incase we did add to our family but now that we know it is complete it's time to say goodbye to all that stuff. As I have gone through tiny pants, socks, stained bips and burp clothes it brought back memories of my little man using them or being in them. It's time for a new baby to enjoy them and for the memories to keep in my mind and heart. I did keep a few things like the outfit we brough Kian home in, a favorite toy or two of his when he was a baby. Other than that we bid farewell to the rest and are happy to rid ourselves of it!

Big Brothers and Big Sisters will be very happy to receive our pile o' stuff. And it feels good to give it all away to help aid those in need. It's a win-win for everyone.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Kian Update

This blog is supposed to be mainly about Kian so I decided to pop in a post on him detailing what's been happening with him over the last month or so.

Kian started Tae Kwon Do last month. He has really enjoyed it so far and has doing really well to taking instruction and listening. It's been helpful to him in many ways and I feel like it's building his confidence. I'm sure he likes the stickers and candy that the teachers shower on the kids afterwards too ;)

Kian also is a budding soccer champ! A few of my cousins on my dad's side of the family were/are very good at soccer and I keep telling Jamie that I must have had a recessive gene for that which was carried down to Kian. (Jamie says he almost has my cousin Dan's hair nailed down now that we are spiking it and it's pretty long right now lol!) Since Kian was very small he has done well kicking and now dribbling the ball. A few weeks ago was his first soccer class. They are working on the very, very basics - mainly following instructions and using your feet no hands and such. Kian is so stinkin' cute! He will be even cuter now that he has the shin guards, socks and little soccer jersey and pants to match ;) Don't worry, I will have pictures later.

We also started the reading program at the library and started attending story time, which Kian really has enjoyed so far. He loves picking out new books...although he does judge a book by it's cover and mom has to steer him toward ones she thinks he will like best ;) We just read one called Dog Heaven (was a suggestion from one of my friends on a message board) - what an amazing book about what dogs do in heaven and how God and angels love on them...and that they get to come and visit us when they want....kinda got me choked up a bit reading it to him.

I also recently discovered that the Regal cinema in the town over offers free movies on Wednesday mornings so Kian and I went to that. It was a good way to start the day and get out of the house - especially since it's too hot to really do much outside :P

We have had a pretty eventful summer so far (good and bad), but I think we will really enjoy the rest as we see Kian grow and progress.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Allie Update

I spoke with the vet today and he said that Allie hopefully will be able to pull through all the issues with eating food. She is eating on her own but it's not as much as she should be so I am syringe feeding her until she is more back to herself. She is very sleepy, has low energy and hides out most of the time. I am hoping my nursing will help her come back to being herself.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Allie is sick now :(

Since Toby started getting sick Allie (our cat) has been kinda aloof. She hasn't been using her box or eating a whole lot. Honestly, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to her when I was taking care of Toby - and since Allie was very close to Toby I figured she was just sad he was so sick.

Well, things got worse on Saturday when we hadn't seen her at all...not even for a pet, a drink...nothing....and it just continued like that through the weekednd. So I called the vet yesterday - the soonest appt we could get was for today.

The assistant that helped us today was the one that helped us with Toby the whole time we were going with him. She was so sweet and I told her how much it meant to us that she was there when Toby went to heaven (she even cried with us :( ) Anyway, she took Allie's temp and said - "Her skin is yellow." I thought was being an overprotective furmommy - but it turns out that Allie is jaundice.

The vet told me that it's possible that Allie might have a fatty liver because she is overweight. He said that it is possible she stopped eating because she was depressed and that caused her body to take that fat that is stored and transfers it to the liver somehow. I am not doing very good explaining it well because I barely understand it and really it was the last thing I thought I would hear a little over the week after we said goodbye to Toby.

She was hydrated under the skin, given some antibiotic and we were sent home with some meds and special food for her. Getting food in her is really important right now to get the liver back to working. They also did some blood work of which we will have results on tomorrow. I am praying and hoping for good news.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Settling into a New Normal

Exactly one week ago today we said goodbye to our Toby. We have given his things to friends who have dogs and kept a few things that were just too hard to part his bone (which he LOVED), his color and leash, and his dog bowl with his name on it.

Kian has had a few moments of tears off and on this week and when asked why he was upset he would say he misses Toby. It seems to be at the times that would normally do things for him that we miss him the most. The latest for myself was when Kian didn't finish his carrots with lunch and I wanted to put the rest in Toby's dish for him...he loved carrots.

It really is surreal that he is gone. It all happened so fast and he was a healthy, older dog in general. We miss him loads but are so glad that he is at rest and no longer suffering.

It has been a hard week on all of us in general. All last week our downstairs had holes in it with lots of noise from the plummer re-routing our pipes. Kian and I camped out upstairs to stay out of the way (and really, everything was moved around so there was nothign really do down there anyway). He stayed entertained well until the last day...thank GOD it was the last day! So now, our house is back in order and you really can't even tell anything was done besides the fact that some of the areas need paint. We plan to do some new colors when our budget allows.

Yesterday we celebrated the 4th of July with some friends who had a BBQ. We went to see Kung Fu Panda and then afterwards watched the fireworks from on top of the parking structure downtown. Kian wasn't as into as I thought he would be but we were pretty far off fromt he show...enough to see it well but I think that next year we are going to go to the festival in town. Kian did have a good time and did fairly well despite staying up several hours past his bedtime.

Today we are taking it easy. Jamie and Kian are playing Lego Star Wars together on the 360 and I am just dinking around on my computer. It's so good to have our family all together this weekend and to focus on positive, relaxing things.