Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Matt and Maddy and my Thankfulness

Today I am stuck at home while some repair work is done on our house. While Kian is at school, I have been catching up on my TiVoed programs. Rachael Ray had a story on a few weeks ago that really tugged at my heart.

A man named Matt and his daughter Maddy were on the show. His wife died 27 hours after giving birth due to a blood clot traveling to her lungs after having a c-section. He has been raising her on his own and has been documenting their lives on his blog.

As some of you may know, I almost died after giving birth to Kian via c-section. Mine was due to a bleed somewhere - still don't know where. Thankfully I called the nurse into my room when my decline was happening and help was on the way....if I woudln't have called the nurse to make sure I got my pain meds I would not still be here. I feel so incredibly blessed that I am still here. Thankful that I get to see Kian grow up and raise him with Jamie as a team.

Sometimes I think we take for granted that everything will go smoothly...especially in this day and age. I know death was the furthest thing from my mind in birthing Kian. In fact, most of what occured while I labored was. Even though my experience was different and scary, I feel so incredibly blessed, lucky, thankful.....that I am here today.

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