Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shy? Not Kian!.....And Books, Books, Books!

Tonight all the elementary schools had an open house. Next week starts the application process for school of choice so this evening we decided to scope out one school together. We walked into the door and were greeted right away with a hand shake and sharing of names. After Jamie and I introduced ourselves, Kian promptly held out his hand and said, "I'm Kian." He did the same with the kindergarten teacher we met. She asked him several questions, how old are you, when is your birthday. Kian did great sharing information with her, although he was more interested in what was all around the room :)

After our tour, we were driving home a different way than usual. Kian asked if we were lost. Jamie said, "Daddy never gets lost because he has a phone that tells him where to go. I don't eve need to ask for directions." Kian said, "Yes you do!" lol What a smart, little guy ;)

In other news, Kian's preschool had a field trip to the library today. I volunteered to drive and was pretty excited to see the library myself...especially since Kian and I would go there weekly when we lived in California. I was amazed at how big it was!!! There are SOO many books! I also discovered they have a reading program going on right now so I plan to get started on that with Kian! I think I enjoyed reading new books to him just as much as he did so it's time we get back to it :)

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