Sunday, December 30, 2007

2007 In Review

Well, I like to take time at the end of the year to reflect on good and bad highlights. Honestly there were a lot of positive things that happened this year!

January - Jamie's mom, step-dad and sister came out for a visit.

February - Jamie and I celebrated 5 years of wedded bliss together (ok, no I don't live in a freaking castle but the years have been good ones :))

March - St. Patrick's Day!!!! We had our friend's Steve and Lisa over to share in our corned beef and cabbage :)

April - Kian and I headed out to Wisconsin for my Grandparent's 50th Wedding anniversary.

May - Kian turned 3!!

June - The Painstaking treatment began on my foot (ouch!)

July - We threw our first party at our house for the 4th of July! I think everyone had a good time :)

We also celebrated one year of being homeowners! WOOT!

August - We bid goodbye to diapers - Kian was fully potty trained!!! (well, during the day time anyway - but a huge step!)

September - Kian started his pre-preschool class (I say pre-pre because I go with Kian to this class)

October - We took our first family vacation and went to Disneyland!!! We also had a great time visiting with my Uncle Dave and Aunt Lori that live in SoCal.

Kian also got to go trick-or-treating for the FIRST time! Even though we had to take out most of his candy and replace it, he had a great time :)

November - We welcomed Jamie's Dad and Step-mom for a visit. Then a few weeks later my mom arrived for a visit over Thanksgiving! Kian had a great time with all of them :)

December - We decorated the tree and Kian got to help decorate for the first time! Kian also helped me make cookies for the first time too :) Kian's excitement of Christmas has sparked a renewed excitment in our household of Christmas!

We had a very blessed and busy 2007 and we are looking forward to more blessings to come in 2008. We hope you and yours have the same :)

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