Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Last teeth, Jamie's project and vaction is over

The last TWO!

Kian is cutting the last of his teeth! FINALLY! The last are the top “fangs” (as Jamie likes to call them) and they are some of the most painful to come through. He is doing pretty well with it though except when it comes to nap time – he usually needs some Tylenol and teething tablets to get him through. I don’t think his molars are all the way in yet but at least they have broken the surface of his gums.

Back to the Same Old – Same Old

Kian and I were pretty spoiled over the last two weeks. Jamie was home on Christmas vacation during that time. Unfortunately, I spent most of it in bed sick with some odd illness. But that gave Daddy and Kian some great time together! We did enjoy having Daddy home with us though!

Today was the first day back as “me and Kian” in the house. To be honest, it seemed a lot quieter – which is odd because most of the noise comes from Kian lol! I guess it just seems quiet because to be honest, it’s hard to carry a conversation with a 19 month old!

Next week Gym Kids starts back up – which I know Kian is looking forward to (and so am I because I think we got into classes with our favorite teacher starting on the 19th – we have one more class with the teacher we have now on the 9th). Other than that, we are back to our weekly shopping trips and hopefully weekly visits from my friend Angela. Nothing too exciting around here – just the same old stuff.

Jamie’s new Project!

Well, we can’t reveal much but we can say that EA now has the rights to make games based on The Simpsons…you know Bart, Homer and Maggie….those Simpsons! Jamie should be moving to start on that project in the next few weeks – which also means he gets a real desk!!!! Right now he’s stuffed into a small conference room with about 6 other guys! It’s pretty cramped in there! Anyway, I am so proud of him and he is very happy to be going there soon (I am too since that means that he won’t be crunching for a while hehe)

Rain, Rain Go Away!!!!

It’s been raining cats and dogs here lately! It’s been so rainy that Allie (our cat) has refused to go outside during the day. In the morning, she usually cries at the door for me to let her out into our fenced in patio area! Today she finally did go outside as the rain had let up. In fact, I couldn’t get to come back in this evening after Kian went to bed! She loves being out there – which is great because Kian LOVES her and she does not like him at all lol

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